About Us
Our Story
Rotary Bangalore JP Nagar
Rotary J P Nagar is part of Rotary International, an international service organization
founded in 1905. We are a 34-year-old club with around 70 members.
The club is vibrant with activities across all avenues of service. The families of our
Rotarians are actively involved in giving their best to the welfare of society.
Our Vision
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Vision Statement
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
RI President Message
Rotary is at its best when we foster a sense of inclusion and belonging in our clubs. In fact, I would go so far as to say that belonging is The Magic of Rotary itself.
With a focus on inclusivity and belonging, it is easier to be united in a common purpose. When we are committed to one another and focused on our goals, we are most effective.
Rotary’s Action Plan can help. The Action Plan comes with tools you can use to collect feedback, assess your club’s strengths and weaknesses, and address challenges.
The world is changing, and our clubs can’t afford to stand still. But the changes we make need to be consistent and strategic — building on one another toward a greater vision. The Action Plan can help you work toward that vision and create effective change within your club. Following the Action Plan and addressing suggestions from the community will go a long way to fostering the sense of belonging we want all Rotary members to feel in their clubs.
That’s why expanding our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is so important. Committing ourselves to each other’s well-being is the first step to expanding our reach, allowing us to spread Positive Peace in these troubled times.
Peacebuilding is one of our top priorities, and one of the most effective ways we can build peace is with our Rotary Peace Fellowships, through which peace and development professionals learn how to prevent and end conflict.
We offer the fellowships through our Rotary Peace Centers at leading universities around the globe, where more than 1,800 Rotary Peace Fellows have graduated. And thanks to a $15.5 million gift from the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, we can continue supporting peacebuilders in more regions with the next peace center at Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul.
Opening another peace center is a monumental achievement, and it is my great honor to invite you to celebrate at next year’s Rotary Presidential Peace Conference at the Istanbul center. The three-day conference 20-22 February will highlight the many ways our family of Rotary advances peace building. Registration for the conference is officially open. I hope to see you there.
The 2025 Rotary Presidential Peace Conference has great potential for our peace building efforts — but only if we have your support.
The truth is, we’re not going to bring peace to the world, end polio, or grow membership by waving a wand and saying some funny words. It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member inducted.
I love my Rotary family and I know you do too. That’s why I know that together, we can make every club and district simply irresistible. This year, let us change the world by embracing The Magic of Rotary.
Stephanie A. Urchick
President 2024-25
Rotary International
District Governor's Message
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
It is with great honour and boundless excitement that I extend my greetings to all the members of Rotary Bangalore JP Nagar. As we stand at the threshold of a new Rotary year, the theme "The Magic of Rotary" beckons us to embark on a journey filled with promise and potential. This powerful theme, carefully chosen to resonate with the core of our organization, reminds us of the transformative impact we can achieve when we unite in the spirit of "Service Above Self."
Rotary International’s enduring motto has always been our guiding star, inspiring us to effect positive change within our communities and beyond. It is this steadfast commitment to service that turns everyday actions into extraordinary results, creating magic, as so eloquently articulated by our Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick.
However, this magic doesn’t just happen by itself. It requires our collective effort, our shared vision, and our dedication. As we move forward, I want to highlight several key areas that will help us harness this magic to its fullest potential.
First and foremost, we must enrich our club experience. A richer club experience means fostering a welcoming and engaging environment where every member feels valued and inspired. It’s about creating a space where ideas flourish, friendships are forged, and every meeting is a testament to our shared purpose.
Next, we need to enhance participation in both club and district activities. Active engagement is the lifeblood of Rotary. The more we involve ourselves in our clubs and district activities, the stronger our bonds become, and the more significant our impact on the world. Let’s encourage one another to attend meetings, participate in events, and take on leadership roles. Through our collective participation, we strengthen our Rotary family and amplify our ability to make a difference.
Our service projects must be impactful and far-reaching. It’s not just about the number of projects we undertake, but the depth of their impact. Let us focus on initiatives that address the most pressing needs of our communities, creating sustainable change and improving lives. Each project should be a testament to our commitment to service, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
Finally, we must build a strong public image in our communities. A positive public image enhances our ability to attract new members, secure funding, and garner support for our initiatives. Let’s share our stories of service, celebrate our successes, and make sure our communities know the true magic of Rotary.
As your District Governor, I am committed to supporting and celebrating the incredible work each of you do. I encourage you to dream big, take bold actions, and inspire others to join us on this remarkable journey.
Thank you for your commitment, your dedication, and for being the heart and soul of Rotary. While we have 365 days together, let us aim to accomplish our goals within 180 days to truly make this year unforgettable as we experience and share The Magic of Rotary. Every local project, international initiative, and simple act of kindness contributes to a brighter, more hopeful future. Friends.. Let’s go forth and create the Magic of Rotary.
Yours in Rotary service,
Satish Madhavan
District Governor
Rotary International District 3191
President's Message
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
I never imagined that I would be the President of this vibrant club, Rotary Bangalore JP Nagar, when I joined during the Rotary Year 2017.
But now, today, I am installed as the 36th President of this club, Rotary Bangalore JP Nagar. The path is chosen, and I have started treading. Although the task is daunting, I am confident of fulfilling my duties to the best of my abilities.
I also request the Immediate Past President and all the Past Presidents of this club, who are the driving force, to guide and support me and my team whenever required.
I also request the Members of the Board and other members of the club to support us in doing our best and fulfilling our goals.
Let us swirl the magic wand and let the magic begin!
Yours in Rotary,
Rtn. Suresh Robert
President 2024-25
Rotary Bangalore J P Nagar